Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Chicken Alfredo Lasagna Roll Ups

I forgot to take pictures of this recipe, so I hesitate to post it, but I want the recipe catalogued, so I'll just steal the pic from the recipe site.

I try to stay away from white sauces in general because of the high fat content, but red sauce is giving me killer heartburn these days (less than 3 weeks to go!), so sometimes you do what you gotta do.

Start by cooking your chicken.  I used one large chicken breast and boiled it.  I boiled whole wheat lasagna noodles at the same time.  I used 6 noodles.  Well, I actually boiled 7 cuz I tend to have a noodle casualty every time.

As they were cooking, I grated some mozzarella cheese (not sure how much) and got out oregano and garlic salt.

Then comes the assembly.

Spray a cooking dish.  Lay out a noodle.  Sprinkle on 1/6th of the chicken (since I have 6 noodles).  Spread about a tbsp of alfredo sauce over it.  Then sprinkle on some oregano and garlic salt.  Finally, sprinkle on about 1 tbsp of mozzarella cheese.  The recipe says to put it all at the top, but I found that rolling was easier if I spread it out along the noodle.

Then comes the rolling.  It tends to make a mess if you overfilled it, but if you roll it gently and loosely, I could keep it all inside (or just shove it back in as you go).  Lay it in the dish, then repeat with the other 5 noodles.

Finally, spread alfredo sauce over the top of the noodles and sprinkle with more cheese (my bff makes fun of me because she says I like to smother everything with cheese.  Are there people who DON'T smother everything in cheese????)

Bake at 350 for 30 mins and you've got yourself some deliciousness!

(This picture looks like they also used some cheddar cheese.  That could probably also be delicious.)

Original recipe here.

Overall rating:  4.0 stars.  Mostly because of the health issue.  But they are pretty easy to make and a good change of pace when needed.  And I would bet that these would freeze pretty well if you needed to.  Probably just freeze it before you cook it.

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